2022 ISRAEL TOUR | Monday, April 25 – Friday, May 9, 2022
Hosted by Pastor Ed & Raelynn Rea


Greetings Fellow Travelers,

As we approach the Spring travel season, we are blessed to report ISRAEL IS OPEN! Groups arrive in country daily as Holy Land travel is poised to make a comeback in 2022.

To prepare for your arrival, the form below is provided to receive your necessary travel documents. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, one form for each registered passenger. If for any reason the documents requested below cannot be provided, notify our office immediately. Failure to provide your travel documents can result in delayed or denied approval for entry to Israel, so be sure to make this submission a priority.

Our team is very blessed to be of service to you and we look forward to your life changing journey through the land where Jesus walked!

For ongoing entry requirment updates please visit: